Ethiopian Shoe Shiner (Listro)
Ethiopian Shoe Shiner (Listro)

In Ethiopia, shoe shining is a common occupation that can be found in cities and towns. Ethiopian shoe shiners also known as Listro, provide a service of cleaning, polishing, and sometimes repairing shoes for customers. They typically set up their stations on sidewalks or in public spaces, equipped with brushes, polish, and other necessary tools. Shoe shiners offer a range of services such as cleaning shoes, removing dirt and stains, and applying polish to restore shine. Some may also provide additional services like sole repairs or replacing worn-out shoe laces.

The service is relatively affordable and accessible, catering to pedestrians, commuters, and passersby. Shoe shining serves as a source of income for many Ethiopians, providing them with the means to support themselves and their families. In Ethiopian culture, maintaining clean and polished shoes is often seen as a sign of pride and professionalism.

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A Krar is a traditional Ethiopian musical instrument that resembles a small lyre or harp. It has a bowl-shaped body made of wood or animal hide, and a long, curved neck with six or eight strings stretched across it. The strings are typically made from animal gut or nylon and are plucked with the fingers or a plectrum.

The Krar is an important instrument in Ethiopian music and is used in a variety of contexts. It has a unique and distinctive sound that is characterized by its sharp, twangy notes and its ability to create a range of tones and rhythms.

The Krar is often played solo or as part of an ensemble, and it is frequently used to accompany vocalists or other instruments. It has a rich history in Ethiopian culture and is an important symbol of the country's musical heritage. If you have the opportunity to hear a Krar being played, it can be a wonderful and immersive experience that transports you to the heart of Ethiopia's vibrant music scene.

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Begena 1
Begena 1

Begena is one of the oldest ten stringed traditional Ethiopian musical instrument.

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Begena 2
Begena 2

The Begena is a traditional Ethiopian musical instrument that is often used in religious and spiritual contexts. It is a large, stringed instrument that resembles a cross between a harp and a lyre, with a deep, resonant sound.

The Begena has a long, curved neck that is attached to a large, round wooden base. It has ten strings, which are made of animal gut and are plucked with the fingers. The strings are tuned to produce a deep, resonant tone, and the instrument is played by striking or plucking the strings with the fingers while holding the instrument in the lap.

The Begena is an important instrument in Ethiopian Orthodox Christian worship, where it is used to accompany religious chants and hymns.

The Begena has a rich history in Ethiopian culture and is considered to be one of the oldest musical instruments in Ethiopia. It is also an important symbol of Ethiopia's cultural heritage, and its unique sound and beautiful craftsmanship continue to captivate audiences around the world.

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