Categories Activities Holiday Landmark Musical Instruments Outdoor Traditional Clothing Traditional Pattern Transportation 12 MetaAppz Ethiopian Shoe Shiner (Listro) In Ethiopia, shoe shining is a common occupation that can be found in cities and towns. Ethiopian shoe shiners also known as Listro, provide a service of cleaning, polishing, and sometimes repairing shoes for customers. They typically set up their stations on sidewalks or in public spaces, equipped with brushes, polish, and other necessary tools. Shoe shiners offer a range of services such as cleaning shoes, removing dirt and stains, and applying polish to restore shine. Some may also provide additional services like sole repairs or replacing worn-out shoe laces.The service is relatively affordable and accessible, catering to pedestrians, commuters, and passersby. Shoe shining serves as a source of income for many Ethiopians, providing them with the means to support themselves and their families. In Ethiopian culture, maintaining clean and polished shoes is often seen as a sign of pride and professionalism. MetaAppz Ethiopian Meal Ethiopian family eating injera on a traditional food sharing basket (mesob) while enjoying the traditional coffee ceremony set. The gentleman is feeding the lady with his hands, giving her a gursha as a sign of love and respect. Tej, a traditional honey wine is also served to be indulged with the meal. MetaAppz Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony Beautiful Ethiopian lady sitting down during a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony, surrounded by popcorn, frankincense, jebena, rekebot on a fresh grass. Traditionally, the coffee ceremony consists of roasting and brewing the coffee beans for 3 rounds of coffee called abol, tona and bereka. MetaAppz Traditional Farming A farmer plowing using locally made centuries old traditional ox-plow method. 12 This work by MetaAppz is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0