
A Krar is a traditional Ethiopian musical instrument that resembles a small lyre or harp. It has a bowl-shaped body made of wood or animal hide, and a long, curved neck with six or eight strings stretched across it. The strings are typically made from animal gut or nylon and are plucked with the fingers or a plectrum.

The Krar is an important instrument in Ethiopian music and is used in a variety of contexts. It has a unique and distinctive sound that is characterized by its sharp, twangy notes and its ability to create a range of tones and rhythms.

The Krar is often played solo or as part of an ensemble, and it is frequently used to accompany vocalists or other instruments. It has a rich history in Ethiopian culture and is an important symbol of the country's musical heritage. If you have the opportunity to hear a Krar being played, it can be a wonderful and immersive experience that transports you to the heart of Ethiopia's vibrant music scene.

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